Welcome to the
Representing Residents in Saltdean since 1934
Not for profit - for Community

SRA Committee
We are a small and friendly committee eager to make Saltdean the best it can be.
We are the official communication channel to your Councillors and our MP
We are non-political, pledged to working effectively with any party.
We are looking for members who can increase and influence we have and do more things for the community.
If you are able to spare a few hours each month, you too can make a difference and influence how Saltdean looks and feels
Whilst you're here!
You might be reading this to find out who is currently on the SRA Committee.
Well, we have a tiny committee and we are all tying to do big things to make Saltdean the best it can be.
We need more people so that we can do more big things.
In short we need you!
If you have an interest in community and would like to make a difference to where you live please consider joining us; we would love to have you onboard.
Eve Longthorn -Membership Secretary
Retired payroll administrator with an interest in community matters. Eve looks after all things membership as well as being a valued voice on committee.
John Longthorn - Committee Member
Long Standing Committee members and retired business owner. John's efforts for the community can be seen in the careful tending of the Harmony Garden of which he was architect.
David Wilson - Committee Member
A track record in community work and involved in many aspects of Saltdean life. A retired businessman, David has many interests including walking football.
David is also a Trustee with the SCA
Paul Rawcliffe - Officer and Treasurer
Retried teacher and currently the SRA Treasurer. Paul has a wide range interests and a large family! He loves travel and dislikes winter!
Jon Ray - Officer and Chair
Runs a business in Saltdean. Formally on the Hall Committee at St Nicholas church and ex Trustee with the SCA
Jon has had a long association with the SRA during his 38 years in Saltdean
Current Committee: